Let’s think logically about DC becoming the 51st state.
If DC was a foreign entity, no different than London or the Vatican, what would happen if the military took over?
Would they keep it as a foreign entity?
A MF District of Columbia?
OR... would they turn it into a state, so the ]good[ people that live there can actually disassociate themselves from an evil foreign entity since 1871.
Let’s think about it logically.

Someone mentioned about turning it back into a bird sanctuary.

US LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!
DC, would be run like Chicago, or Seattle... because leftists would be running the show... No matter what you show them - they will never believe voting left caused the shambles the country is in, so, given another state to run, they would vote left, again.

or are they trying to get more senate seats and congress seats think about that

Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
😒😒 It's been so full of criminals for so long, I say fence it off and make it a giant prison for the so-called "elite".
Complete it with GMO food, fluoridated water, vaccines, & chemtrails, with only allopathic medicine available when they become sick.
Oh, and a note from the rest of us saying how important they are (in locking them up forr the sake of justice 😉).

When the power of loves overcomes the love of power - the world will know peace. If the focus remains-MONEY, we have learned nothing. POL
i think it needs to serve the purpose of informing future generatiins as to the evil that was allowed to flourish - think Auschwitz.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Funny how that works out?
DC is foreign soil inhabited by fake leaders that have conspired with a foreign govt to overthrow America via taking over our govt.
They are an enemy of the ppl. on foreign soil run by foreign govts.
This was an act of war by foreign entities!
It is only what 10 sq miles.? The inhabitants should be allowed to leave that are not evils and all those buildings in shapes and layouts of satans cult should be demolished.
Nana prefers Juan O Savins idea, demolish the buildings and leave it as a reminder to the world of what evil can do.
We are going to need a reminder so that no one ever forgets!
Again you are only talking about 10 sq miles.
Does the constitution prohibit it?

❤️Christ❤️Family❤️Country. Born Again. Here to support the Constitution and President Trump! #SaveAmerica #WWG1WGA #MAGA
Yes Doq but DC is for freaking liberal!

“think about it logically” blah blah we heard that before

Here paying it forward. Blessed to be redpilled digital Soldier. Will not stop fighting until justice is served #wwg1wga #thegreatawakening
So we add a new territory as 51st state and it falls under our New Federal Government (Restored)? No longer separate like the City of London?

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs
If we think a little beyond. If D.C. remained a foreign entity, and the U.S. military seized the WH, would this be classified as an act of war?

Proud Patriot, Seeker of Truth and Light, Mom of 2 Beautiful Girls, Never Give UP! God Bless America and God Bless President Trump!
There would need to be a shift in Government for anything good to come out of this, at this point it is a political agenda to pack Congress...

Thank you DOQ for all that you do!

Grandson of a Selective Service Recruiter privileged to witness the TRUE PRIDE of HEROES anxious to SERVE for LOVE of Country.
It is only a 10 square mile block. Too small to be designated as an independent state. Allow the surrounding states (Va, Maryland) to annex equally a 5 mile stake. Make it similar to Kansas City, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri. IE.. Washington, Va. and Washington, ML.

I listen, watch, wait, and weigh. I base my judgments on God, gut, and grammar. Language and patterns show you what you need to know.
Best answer so far.

Exactly! Also one state cannot hold all the power i believe. So depending on how long this plays out wouldn't major changes within "Gov" need to be made?

Turn the entire place into a wilderness habitat. Tear down every building, fill every tunnel, remove every statue. Nature will take over quickly.

If congress has been arrested and the corporation is bankrupt, then logically I don't see how what the current talk is about can happen. Why couldn't the residents be absorbed into new boundaries of surrounding states?

Unfortunately, attrocities of trafficking, scientific evils, and human sacrifices have been happening in most of the DUMB's that are under the feet of each of the states and cities in our nation. God bless our Military for cleaning and sealing them up.

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
Would the good people actually want to live there when they find out the truth about what was happening underneath their feet?
It might attract ‘very sick evil’ people and become like a shrine.

#WWG1WGA #digitalsoldier #GodWins #KAG #Qarmy #TheBestisYettoCome #1776 #Theearthisa HORIZONTALplane,ishallNOTbeMOVED No DM replies!
DC should be taken back the states it was part of before 1871. 50 states is all we are and need.

Just an old lady living on a beautiful lake who loves her husband, her freedom and her President Donald J. Trump! God Bless America!
My take on it is we have to follow the Constitution and leave it as is. Oh, except for rerouting the Potomac and flooding the swamp like 107 says.

Knowledge is power. Truth seeker. Family is everything. Save Our Children DJT God Bless the United States of America
It has to do with adding democrats to the rolls to pass laws the dems want implemented or changing existing constitutional rights. Think 2A

#WWG1WGA #GodWins #TheGreatAwakening #Fooked #TwitterSucks
New meaning to Area 51

Time to fire up the Storm Area 51 memes


Wasn't it part of Maryland before? Why wouldn't it go back to being part of Maryland?

I agree it was never intended to be a state, property should go back to the original states of MD & VA.

doa in the seante. dem senators are against it

3 is the most logical. Spot on with this 🙏💖