COSTCO, WALMART, HOME DEPOT, LOWES, and all the other big box stores could end the mask mandate today by refusing to mandate masks. There's not a DAMN thing anyone could do at that point. Unfortunately, that will not happen. So FOOKING over this shit!
I refuse. ONE person looked at me, I said sorry I have CS and kept on walking.
I was escorted out of Smith's Grocery (Kroger) for refusing to wear a mask. This whole thing has gone past the point of insanity.
Family, GSDs, our Veterans, Warriors and Patriots. D5 then 5D
They can't refuse you service but, to get them to understand that is a bit of a battle and it's not fun. Sorry you went through that.
Some documents on this site might help.
WOW, that is so crazy. Sorry you dealt with that. If they turn me around, it will be ONE time, then not shopping at the place.
Crazy time we live in. I believe it will only get worse as time goes on.