in whom the god of this wold hath blinded the minds of them that believe not lest the glorious light of the gospel of Christ ,
who is the image of God should shine unto them
2 cor. 4:4
The deception continues and those whom we trusted the most
are the “deceptors”
justice is coming and they will be swept away by the wind of the spirit, Gods light will shine in the life of his children for the whole world to see.
From dark to light.

Christian, Mother, Southern California conservative #MAGA #KAG
wow. and im not even catholic

Formally known as 1RedCracker, God Lovin’ Bible toting, Gun slinging, Crusader of Truth! I support DJT! Navy Vet~Not looking for Love 💕
Well its catholics~ They have been leading sheep to slaughter for years!!