Only when they uphold the oaths to the constitution. In Australia, our constitution is weak and the police are beholden to the government, not the people.

What a joke. Do all of the businesses that the Police get destroyed matter? The cops are too woke to maintain law and order if it is BLM or Antifa. They abuse the constitution everyday. Nah, they are a corrupt corporate crime syndicate. With their sharia face diapers on. Do pastor's lives matter? You know, the ones the police arrest for worshiping. Cops are cowards that have failed this nation

Never Forget Why This War Was Started It Is All About Saving The Children
I haven’t seen a cop car in my town in over seven months at least I swear where did they all go ?

Conspiracy is not just a theory when you have the facts! I've been gathering evidence for over 45 yrs. Built my first computer from scratch.
It is not surprising that after the militarizing of our police force that we got a few bad apples (ex school bullies) But the majority I believe are there for different reasons. We need to get them all out of the war business and back to peacekeepers who protect and defend we the people and don't just follow orders blindly. Instead of just following along arrest those who make those insane orders and fullfill the oath of office and the role you are supposed to take. I back the blue but not the black. They have forgotten that we are innocent until proven guilty. And should be treated accordingly Instead we are treated as a criminal and have to "prove" our innocence. Backwards and unconstitutional. No laws or statutes or mandates change that. The war on drugs needs to end. Just like prohibition did it only expanded the market Made the ones behind the scenes rich and criminalized addiction. Because of a government run drug supply. Those busts are them taking out the competition not clean

Well said. 🙏

🇺🇲Patriot🇺🇲Q'urious🇺🇲Mom🇺🇲Wife🇺🇲Trump is My President🇺🇲JFK Roxx🇺🇲I hate Satanist, Pedophiles,The Illuminate, F*K the DEEPSTATE

Remember when the cops in New York let thugs throw water on them? Yeah, me too. Bunch of cowards

Good ones yes, the secret society at the top is prevalent there also. PROBABLY why so many stood down in 2020, sold out command.

NOT the guys not in the know, the freaking some of them, secret society, when I say it all ties in secret societies at the top, I mean it.

I trust only the ones I love. I'm a verbal assassin, a #SaveOurChildren sniper. I spread God, Truth and Love. I'M NOT HERE FOR FOLLOWERS..
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