What was your greatest red pill revelation. There are no wrong answers. I'd love to hear them frogs.
Watching jets make grid patterns across the sky and a gorgeous, sunny day become overcast an hour later. Keeping track of the number of days it rained and then searching the internet for contrails and happening upon "chemtrails" instead. Telling others what I'd discovered only to have them say, "Those are contrails and we've been seeing them since we were kids. You're just noticing them now?" Trying to explain the difference and being laughed at. Having chemtrails lead to fluoride, mercury, vaccines... it really snowballed from there!
Love my Jesus, love my family, love my friends, Q patriot, digital soldier...BLESSED to be alive during the great awakening. +++
When Obama became president the spraying over my home (central PA) became a daily disgusting event. Beautiful blue skies would be covered in a matter of an hour or two and everything would congeal into ugly gray. So I began researching, Turns out a Penn Sate professor was one of those involved in developing this geo-engineering. You can find conferences where they talk about it...how easy and cheap it is to do....They wanted (did) to block out the sun, and create weather patterns....and bragged that by 2020 (I believe that was the year)they would own the weather worldwide. When asked about the possibel bad effects on the environment or human health they stated that they simply had not added that into the equation...as in: "We'll do it first...and then figure out if we've poisoned the planet. Let's spray the hell out of the planet with tiny particles of aluminum, barium, and strontium.....and who cares who we hurt." It is big business. The US government was doing it as were pri