Unapologetically Authentic. Patriot! Light Warrior! Author. Life Coach~Spiritual/Wellness Guru. Indigo Soul. Divinity Spark. SHINE! #MAGA

Let's just survey the battlefield, shall we?

Charlie Ward releases a riveting "movie", documenting right up to NOW.

Mike Lindell is airing it all out, Frankly, with Gen Flynn et al.

Speaking of The People's General...
He's really been quite forthcoming in recent days, eh? o7πŸ˜ŽπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


Ivanka announces "THE SHOT".

USMilitary tweeting a thousand scattered pieces comms...

Banks are failing.

Plandemic is absolutely unraveling.

Pompeo and Scavino, well, isn't that OBVIOUS?!?


I wonder what's up?

If you're STILL sitting round bitching that "nothing is happening"....
If you're piping up with negative and doubtful vibes in response to any part of this "show"???

Well, if you're that person, I Am sending you the direct Blessing and prayer that you Now have eyes to See.
FAITH will Deliver you into God's Kingdom, through and past the false light of what has been into Now what Is BEING.

The best is yet to com

All well and good, but we have STILL yet to SEE real and true justice. Until we SEE justice, until we see each and every single treasonous traitor arrested, perp walked, tried and hung, we have nothing at all.

All the talk from these folks is good stuff, but the time for talk ended moths ago. It's time or action. Take the mutterings of Genny Mikey Flynn from earlier today.....

Update: General Flynn 'the foreign interference is real, confirmed by our intelligence agencies, the IP back-traces are real, if I fought for anything this is the most important thing I've ever fought for, not for Donald Trump or for anyone else, for America.'

If true, then why not end this entire election scam right now and today? Why even have the Maricopa Country fraud audit? Why not begin the arrests for ALL to see and BOOM......you FINALLY have REAL and TRUE "Great Awakening" as promised AND Trump's only promise that matter actually begins to take shape.....DRAINING THE MOTHER FUCKING SWAMP!

Only people mentioned by @SPORTS in this post can reply

WWG1WGA, TRUMP2020+ Proud Army Colonel's Daughter, LOVE GOD, My Family and My Country!

In response SPORTS to his Publication

We have to make sure ALL the children are saved!!!

In response Patriotic Realtor to her Publication

Appreciate the reply, but that line expired at least 1 month ago.

They can walk and chew gum at the same time. No one can convince me that operations to save children cannot continue WHILE they arrest, perp walk, try and hang, say Adam Bennett Schiff Jr, for ALL to see.

So I commit a crime. I get arrested right away. But Schiff commits crimes for decades, but cannot be arrested right away because we have to save the children? Sorry, no offense intended, not buying it even for a single second. There is a reason why they are ALL above the law STILL today. And that is troubling no matter how many children are saved.

Such a ill advised and poorly executed plan. See Flynn's comment today and then ask yourself why we have to have the scam Maricopa County audit.

Update: General Flynn 'the foreign interference is real, confirmed by our intelligence agencies, the IP back-traces are real, if I fought for anything this is the most important thing I've ever fought for, not for Donald T

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God Always Wins. We The People will take back our Great Nation! Hold the Line. Follow me on telegram TruthBeToldWithLisher77

In response SPORTS to his Publication

Something I have contemplated. How many in govt are corrupt? Many, many! What has Trump and his team been doing over the past few months? They have been vetting and endorsing replacements. We cannot just mass arrest and empty out govt without replacements, correct? Perhaps part of the plan is to have the new govt ready to go when the arrests start with people who have been vetted and accepted by We The People ahead of time.

In response Lish Lish to her Publication

Makes sense. But why call it a "Great Awakening" when half the country is still half asleep and have no clue what is going on. And how do you change that? Simple stuff really and truly......a SINGLE public arrest of a KNOWN and CAREER DC pure trash swamp rat. Just a one.

As Trump supporters continue to leave the movement because they feel abandoned by the man who promised he would drain the swamp, do you realize what a single arrest of a Schiff, a Swalwell, a McConnell or a Graham would do for morale? "Hey, look ma, JUSTICE!"

But no. Nothing at all. And that is what troubles me. I can see not taking them ALL out at once, but when Maxine Moore "Mother Jefferson" Waters does what she does, if Patriots are TRULY in control, you have to arrest her on the mother fucking spot.

Insanity is what we are witnessing. Oh, and I also hear the elections for a new Congress will be AFTER the arrests. Still have my doubts on all of ti, seems horrible planned and executed thus far. It's almos

In response Lish Lish to her Publication

For example, why not PUBLICLY arrest, perp, try and hang a John David Podesta type? Just another DC swamp rat who has committed crimes against us for decades. So why not a single example of justice?

Answer this question and I believe you may also have the answer to "just who is REALLY and TRULY in control RIGHT NOW and TODAY".

I have my doubts how this ALL ends. I believe folks could be in for the shock of their lives. Again, ZERO public arrests of treasonous criminals who have been killing us with a virus AND committing crimes against us for decades. NONE arrests for ALL to SEE. Troubling.


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