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Sheep still are not asking the right questions.
Why did "they" hide and keep people from getting HCQ
Why all of a sudden do they care about us and want us to take the shot
Why are they pushing so hard to make people take the shot (Ax the Vaxxx)
Why are the ingredients (all bad) in the shot not being shown
Why do none of the "therapies" qualify as vaccines
Why has the covid virus not been isolated
Why do they test for something they can't find
Why are the bad reactions and deaths from the jab not being told
Why are people not being told how much money is being made on each shot
Who is making all that money
Why do you still have to wear a mask after taking the shot
Why do you have to take a second shot
Why do you have to take a third shot
Why do you have to take a booster shot
Why are you taking shots in perpetuity
They make money if they keep you sick

I love this SPOT ON LIST OF WHYS!!!
BUT ..... I have defended Trump Pushing the Vaccine (I said it was Reverse psychology after the HCQ debacle etc). ...BUT NOW on Hannity......WHY??
WHY is TRUMP PUSHING the Vaccine??
People like my 75 year old Farmer Uncle in INDIANA who LOVE TRUMP...TRUST HIM and took the Vaccine..Damn IT!!!
Why is he ok with the KILLING of some of his Supporters??

#MAGADONIAN Artist-Writer-Nature Heals- Clean Food/Clean Water- It's-About-The-Children It's A Movie GOD WON.
Wish I had a correct and truthful answer and not just speculation and therory....but I don't.

Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.
I dont have an answer for you. my dsughter took it. All I do know, at the end of this WORLD WAR we will all have learned no matter how nuch we love, respect & admire someone...JESUS CHRIST is our God and who we follow. He did not put the grey stuff between our ears just for filling. And he did not give us his written word just for lip service. It is LIFE. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. We all go thru the turnstyle at gate of Heaven individually. No one can take anothers place. Educating people so they start praying for themselves is all we can do. Relationship with God...PERSONAL FAITH is the most important possession any person has. GUARD AT ALL COSTS.