The Great Awakening • This is it • Buckle Up • Godspeed🙏🏻🇺🇸
Let’s hope the NG is being staged Nationwide for mass arrests - under the guise of Riot control.
The Dems called the NG in for *their* protection, even declaring Emergencies for their Cities ahead of the Verdict -
only to have it BQQMERANG..
A perfect time for mass arrests.
Riots are scheduled regardless of the verdict.
The time is now.
A girl can dream...🙏
Guilty Verdict.
And yet - Riots will commence as planned.
BLM has NO reason to Riot.
Wray just acknowledged Antifa is a ‘thing’.
BiDan calls the family before the verdict is even announced...
If y’all aren’t awake yet, then absolutely nothing will help.
I believe@VincentKennedy should change the APL...because this is about to get wild.
Stay safe, Frens.