Message 4/18/2021: ..."Humanity is learning to live from the love they have for one another. This is the catalyst for planetary transformation to a paradise, heaven on earth. Humanity will remember how to live in harmony with nature & love all life. Love all life is universal law. Love and respect for the other is the outcome of love and respect of the self, you see?
We say to you to keep the faith. Stand firm in your spiritual integrity and be like the lighthouse attached to the rock, a solid, steadfast foundation that no storm is able to topple. Even in the most horrendous of storms, the light in the light house continues to send unwavering light to guide the ships to safety. You are that lighthouse. You are that beacon for others to guide them to the light within. That is why you were called here to read this message. It is calling you to remember who you are, to thine own self be true..."