wonderful video, thanQ!!!!
just wrote this on another anon's timeline
b/c it was inspired by this video:
this is so weird, particularly bc the release date is anniversary'd today, april 20, but this movie (salmon fishing in yemen) popped
in my mind when i watched this video posted today by anon
( https://rumble.com/vez1ot-once-upon-a-time-.html ),
which mentioned the 'good saudi' salman, to the point where
i wondered if the movie might be a comm re diana's rescue plans and hideout strategies for both diana and jfk jr
(salman / salmon... including maybe the applicable metaphor of
'salmon swimming upstream against the raging forces of nature')
very uplifting movie, imo, and i loved it!
salmon fishing in yemen: Release Date: 20 April 2012 (UK)
just fyi :)