Devil's Advocates
Perkins Coie is the globalist lawyers agency that they use to hide all their crimes and attack anyone that dares get too close. More people should know that name and the evil that is associated with it. They helped cover up the Awan scandal and the Seth Rich murder.
Perkins Cole also paid Fusion GPS to compile the Steele Dossier.
Since Perkins Coie is the funnel through which DNC monies are transmitted for illegal activities (see CrowdStrike hacking claim, and Fusion GPS Piss Dossier), I would guess Perkins Coie is attempting to coverup another nefarious DNC activity.
And btw- he looks like a pedo
If Twitler was the battlefield, anonup is the celebration ITS NOT OVER, might as well laugh along the way
is it me or does he like dogs