Patriot, Constitutionalist, Truth Seeker, Digital Soldier, Freedom Fighter Banned from Twitter, FB & Insta. SAVE THE CHILDREN
I got VIP status last week but I am stuck.
Has anyone been able to get in to set up their profiles? I have not been able to get in. I kept getting errors.

Stand for the 🇺🇸 | Kneel at the ✝️ | Trust the plan 🐸

American Patriot. Proud supporter of OUR President Trump. Fighter for OUR kids. Protect Free Speech. Fight for Our 2nd Amendment.
its will be the 1st 48hrs of straight news.
then posting etc should be available. if you signed up before today..you should be able to get on to video feed of mike and the interviews..but they are getting hit hard. just like the clay clark conference was. its in n out n buffering. i use duck duck go to get on.

Child of God. ❤️🇺🇸 Family is everything. Proud Navy mom and Grandma. Deepest love and respect for the USA and her symbols. Back the Blue!
Good morning! i tried to sign up and it showed me some kind of errors, to try later. Looking forward to support Mike!

Do you have the link? I did a cursory search and of COURSE it is not showing up on search engines, least not here.

Stand for the 🇺🇸 | Kneel at the ✝️ | Trust the plan 🐸

Ego should have no place, in the heart of man! Numquam Cedere -Never Surrender ***5 Year Active Duty Veteran- Operation Desert Fox.
I haven't been this excited about hearing of a new site in 4 years. Mike's story is one of hope against adiction and oppresion!!!