From Silence Dogood MBA (aka, Family Man):
I'm putting this thread out as my own thinking, influenced by God alone as I try to determine where Humanity is, & where we are going. Each of you will interpret it differently. A few of you may think I'm nuts, while others will be on the same wavelength. Here it goes.
"They Say. What say they? Let them say". - Edward Searles. I start with that quote, because God has bestowed on every human Freewill. Our thoughts are supposed to be free, but time after time we see people silencing other people. Silence, ironically is the great equalizer.
If anyone wants to speak freely, even the most ridiculous of speak should be accepted. Wouldn't you rather have someone's true colors be brought to the light then to be stuck in darkness? What the media has accomplished, to now is to bring people to groupthink. They show their true colors both by what they say and do but also by what they don't say and don't do.
Silence fears. Silence angers. Silen