We The Media, [18.04.21 14:11]
[Forwarded from The Kate Awakening Channel]
Ah yes, “as if.”
Thank you for your balanced commentary, Vanity Fair.
Mainstream media wants to make you feel like an absolute idiot for even entertaining notions like these. They’re so skilled at gaslighting that they can make us forget some of the things we already KNOW, so I’ll offer up a refresher.
Here are some FACTS. Look them all up for yourself (and see following post)
Adrenochrome is real.
It’s been seeded in our popular culture for decades in works like The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley (1954), “A Clockwork Orange” and “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” and even in children’s movies such as “Monster’s Inc” and “The Dark Crystal.”
You can find dozens of articles written by the MSM (Vanity Fair included) detailing how the elite are already using “young blood
Jim Caviezel Decries “The Adrenochroming of Children,” As if That’s a Thing | Vanity Fair
The film and television star conferenced to a rally boasting Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, and the My Pillow guy.