#UnitedNotDivided #StandTogether #Unite #Gather #CreateTheWorldWeWant
Hey#California! Teens can get the vax now! Our daughters and sons, our sweet future of America poisoned by the vax, sterilized, and now new victims of the Great Genocide.
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Look up#CovidUnderAMicroscope on bitchute. These#NANO#Prions look like an#alientakeover of humanity. Please don’t take such a chance. Do not wear a muzzle, get a test, or inject these#Frankenstein#DNA changers that stop your connection to source. Why take such a risk? Please call any of#TheMisguided that may soon inject themselves or their child with this#sterility drug. Heartfelt apologies if you have it already but you can stop someone else from making a huge mistake. They did put saline in some so not all would have reactions.
I mean this with all sincerity, dear God, please protect these children from their ignorant parents who do not know what they are doing by subjecting their children to this poison. I pray that parents' eyes will be opened to this genocide.