Proud to call myself awake & a Patriot. Planting seeds when I can. Joined AU after the Twitter Purge of '21. Glad I did.
Had an interesting Saturday. Went to a local Eyemart Express with an Rx for new glasses. I put on a mask, I wasn't planning on being there long and I didn't want any trouble, but I didn't cover my nose, because.....I can't breathe with my nose covered. A young lady came over to help me and informed me I had to take some hand sanitizer. I said no. I then ask her how much for lenses that are bifocal that change to sunglasses. She tells me $284, not including frames. I start to walk over to the frames display and she tells me I need to cover my nose. Again I say no, turned and left the store, taking off my mask as I'm leaving. I didn't get mad or loudly verbal, just left. Eyemart Express is a chain but not a big box store, so I don't understand how a small business could watch a nearly $400-500 purchase walk out the door. It really was liberating and I won't buy my glasses from them. A boycott, if you will.
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3. Then I went to my local Lowes to look at some home improvement ideas. As I'm walking around, I hear an announcement over the PA system that was in Spanish. There was no accompanying English version. Okay, I am in Oklahoma, but last I checked, it was still a state in the U.S. Shaking my head in disbelief, I left and went home. All in all, a waste of a Saturday morning except I didn't spend my hard-earned money at stupid stores.