Clinton Military Tribunal: Day 5 CONVICTION! - Real Raw News
A military tribunal on Thursday convicted former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on charges of murder, conspiracy to commit murder, accessory to murder, child trafficking, endangering a minor, treason, and sedition. The two male, one female panel of officers cast a unanimous verdict shortly after..
this site is not reputable. first off NO proof she has even been arrested.

Actually there is proof she’s been arrested people of posted videos I’m here of her being arrested it’s the one where she’s being escorted to the van if you look closely her hands are cuffed behind her back

bidan has already been taken out to

True Red,white&blue Don't take my posts to be factual untill you research for yourself mix coms for a reason..Now down the 🐇🕳
seen same psot with april 16..

Even though the post says the article is recent these events happened a while ago 2017 I believe

i think as we gwt closer, more will comenputnon the alternative sites