There's no plan B. There's only plan A. 60 years in the making. You weren't told to understand it. You were told to trust it. Save any scoffing because#NCSWIC.

Owner/operator of Patriotic Professional Windows(window cleaner). MAGA
What irritates me is how people like JuanOSevin and Whiplash try to lay guilt trips on the rest of us for not seeing what was going on, when they knew for at least 60 years about the child sacrifice and the rest but did NOTHING about it. Yet they have the never to try and guilt trip us.
You knew and did nothing. Doesn't that make you accessories or acomplasses?
How does that feel to put the guilt where it belongs. On your head.
all we have to do is trust in god jesus 17 and 19, gen.flynn and ultimately trust the plan