For those who haven't yet figured it out, you are watching a movie. A whitehat production to wake up the sheep globally. The networks are in the process of self destruction. Q controls the narratives at this point because the NSA had the dirt on all the networks. Decades of deception is being carefully unwound. You can't just pull the plug or tell people, you must show them.
sorry not seeing it happen. People are still blissfully unaware n if you try to show them the movie they lash out. Pull the Bandaid, let the Truth shine so it can convict them from the deceptions. Those that Look See. The Truth can Stand on its own, it does not need to be coated in salt n butter....
same here. do you think the lashing out in anger is their way of telling you they are catching on a little bit but they are just not emotionally ready to handle it or understand it ?????
When confronted with Truth they will ask questions and have to assess to make a new decision. Truth can Stand on its own. This Movie isnt reaching them, they watch MSM. Enough with the Gaming, get on with it....they are being done any favours by soft peddling. Pull the Bandaid off