Bishop Larry Gaiters reveals the truth of the Khazarian Mafia as being the original deviants behind spreading racial conflict, who established the first central banks with puppet fronts, the first slave trade systems and put out a mass brain washing campaign to turn other races, religions against white people by blaming them for it all so the finger would never be pointed at them. This mafia has kept itself well hidden through the ages using puppet fronts for everything. The curtain is being pulled back now. The meme is a puppet tool used for brainwashing. In the interview , the Bishop tells the true history. Research more on them and share, share, share it. This interview ill blow your mind. Watch the whole thing when you can.
great addition to this. were all being played to hate eachother by these clowns. I willalso research locism more.
la blague 🙄..des non gohims bien sur