Student of synchronicity and predictive programming who sometimes says "哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈" Felixtheblack.Cat
Laymen might trust this explanation, but I want to see evidence that 5G can be made safe, or the towers should all ne taken down. If we leave them in place, another corrupt organisation might use them for their intended purpose.
I suppose we could all carry a personal 5G alarm to make sure we are not being irradiated and injured again by some sneaky political clique. They have made it very difficult for members of the public to detect the higher military frequencies. Perhaps someone could modify all those redundant 5G phones.

Here to be part of the Great Awakening & to support President Trump. Raising awareness on health impacts of wireless microwave radiation.
Gigahertz produce the most reliable radiation measuring meters on the market. Used by building biologists and scientists.
"The planning for 5G in the frequency range around 28 GHz is much more concrete, where the main focus is on (temporary) coverage of, for example, football stadiums, shopping centres and the like, and on wireless Internet on railway lines and in public transport. Here, too, the range is very limited and in order to minimize power consumption, the suppliers will try to concentrate the radiation as closely as possible to the absolutely necessary range. However, the demonstrations so far have revealed major technical difficulties, because even a tree blocking the direct line of sight to the transmitter led to considerable reductions in the transmission rate, even to broken connections."

Student of synchronicity and predictive programming who sometimes says "哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈" Felixtheblack.Cat
Thanks. I know there must be meters for the installers and engineers but they are incredibly expensive. There are not yet any in a price range we ordinary folk could afford. There are some $200 meters which say they do 5G but only work to 6GHz. Not good enough to detect the military frequencies which can probably kill. I will check the link to see if things have changed since I did my research.