🍊ChildOfGod⛪Patriot🇺🇸FreedomFighter🗽DigitalSoldier👩💻Covfefe is "In the end we win.✝️"God woke you for a reason.侘寂 🌴
We didn’t know what we were dealing with pre covaid...
We didn’t know that 90% of the world was so deeply asleep, deceived and programmed,
That they could so easily be lead into the abyss of the dehumanised “new normal.”
All these people we thought we knew,
All the passers by and strangers we never met,
Proved to us the world we used to know,
was filled with those who were already the living dead...
Filled with people who were never really living,
But were meandering through this thing called life,
In a semi conscious stupor of low vibe, TV induced mass hypnosis.
They were never really living at all...
They were just going through the motions...
Off to their jobs,
devouring Hollywood,
Netflix and 10 piece buckets of KFC...
Guzzling their booze,
Watching their sports of bread and circuses,
and paying daily homage to their one true god...
Their oversized flat screen televisions.
continued in comments
Their minds soaked up the propaganda,
Their brains soaked up the fluoride,
The bodies soaked up the chemicals,
And years of social engineering,
had them primed and ready for the one big lie to rule them all...
The dreaded rona.
The war for their minds had been won long ago,
They never even knew they had been taken as mental prisoners,
Hostages in a quiet war with silent weapons.
Their final sign of complete surrender,
Was the white flag they draped across their once smiling faces.
None are more enslaved,
Than those who mistakenly think they are free...
Except for those who actively cheer on, aid and abet,
The enemies who have stolen life and freedom from them all.