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Real-time quantum dot tracking of single proteins - PubMed
We describe a single quantum dot tracking method that can be used to monitor individual proteins in the membrane of living cells. Unlike conventional fluorescent dyes, quantum dots (fluorescent semiconductor nanocrystals) have high quantum yields, narrow emission wavelengths, and excellent photostab..
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21424442/What is Real Time Monitoring? Let's start from the basics: Real Time Monitoring is a web application in the cloud that allows you (or your IT department) to monitor any glitches...
11 Jan 2021 — The Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx), launched by Harvard University scientists, aims to examine this solution ...
In modified magnetic quantum dots, electrons are magnetically confined to the plane where the magnetic fields inside and outside the dot are different from each other. The energy spectrum exhibits quite different features depending on the directions of the magnetic fields inside and outside the dot.
The first experiments with cloud seeding were conducted in 1946 by American chemist and meteorologist Vincent J.