SCENE REMAINS ACTIVE: Knoxville, Tenn. police responding to shooting at Austin-East Magnet High School - multiple people shot, including police officer
'Multiple’ gunshot victims, including officer, at Knoxville, Tenn. high school, police say - Breaking911
KNOXVILLE, Tennessee — Officers were responding to a shooting at Austin-East High School in Knoxville Monday. Police say there are ‘multipole gunshot victims,’ including a police officer. The scene at 2800 Martin Luther King Jr Avenue remains active and dozens of first responders a.. Brutally honest, NO sugar coating #TRUMP #MAGA #WWG1WGA IFBA PATRIOTS NOT LOOKING FOR A RELATIONSHIP!
And now we'll see more of these as the gun grabs ramp up. I am no longer shocked by these......some friends have a pool going as to when, where and how many shot will happen......and some of those getting in on the pool voted Biden, but even they are seeing patterns now.