Nothing is More Precious than the Children! All Of Humanity Is Uniting To Defeat Unspeakable Evil. God Bless and Protect the QTeam.
In response Marie Nutz to her Publication

In response Radiant Patriot to her Publication
Opposites are perversions. Jesus saves is the opposite of what the Hebrew name of the Messiah means, Yahuwshuwa means Yahuwah saves, glorifying the Father, not himself. On that day they will ask if they had done various miracles in His Name, 3 times they ask, and every time it's a different set of miracles and the same question about His Name. Our Mashiyach told us He came In His Fathers Name, and everyone in the Tanak Named after Elohim has Yahu or Yah in their name. HalleluYAH praise Yah.