Lin Wood (Telegram) - Many say, and I agree, that it feels like we are living in a movie. We are. While at times it feels surreal, the movie is in fact a documentary. The movie is documenting how we act and react to the events surrounding us. We ALL have a role in the documentary. With that in mind, try your best to make sure that your portrayal in the documentary is one that when viewed in the future, will make your family, your friends your fellow citizens, and your God proud of you. Strive to win an Oscar.

Discernment is critical.
GOOD ADVICE - as if seeing yourself in this video next week, next month, next year ... what would you think of actions / your words?

I am a child of God born in His image and likeness. All opinions matter- welcome to freedom of speech!
I so miss Lin- great guy no mater what they say about him.