In Australia where I live they had only just started with mandatory mask wearing. I decided long ago I was never wearing a mask or taking the vaccine. I thought I will just wait it out till the mandate had been lifted but it is taking longer than I thought so even though I have been stocking up on non perishable groceries I needed some fresh food. I suffer with bad anxiety and the whole idea of going to the store filled me with dread. I was not wearing a mask I refused to! My son had a day off of work so he took me to the store and stayed with me while I shopped. We had a copy of a mask exemption sheet and were ready for some confrontation but it didn’t happen . There were many people wearing masks of all ages. I feel like myself that a lot of those mask wearers also wear them to avoid fines or confrontation of authority or looks from Karens/Darrens!! 😐😬