Juan O Savin 🔥 4-2-21
“These people captured your Government by a fraudulent vote,
put players in place & the congress & courts are co-conspirators.
It was a Militarized Cyber Attack
a Biological attack
an Economic attack
an Information-warfare attack.
We are in a war scenario right now
& have been.
So expecting responses
to be instantaneous is bullshit.
If we don’t win this
nothing else is going to matter.
We have Militarized projections
putting out in the public right now
that America 2025 has 100 million people.
That means for every 3.5 people here now
2.5 are gone in 4 years.
Are they expecting us to have a Civil War?
Further attacks on us chemically or biologically?
Expecting an invasion of some sort?
We have 5 Aircraft Carrier Task Forces
positioned off our coasts.
People are making hard decisions right now
to protect people
& you’ve got a bunch of naysayers
‘Oh they should have told me this or that?’
Godspeed U.S. Military 🙏 Thank you
What makes it more than troubling, and this is absolute insanity that folks cannot see this, is that the largest military in the world is We. The Mother Fucking People. So to keep us in the dark, when we could easily help win this fight, is pure insanity in my mind.
When does it end? Because we are losing a ton of GREAT American Patriots every mother fucking day this drags out. If this is war, don't say "Enjoy the Show". If this is war, don't say "Patriots in Control". Why is this war? March in. Arrest the criminals. Hang the criminals. And let's start moving forward with OUR country.
Done. And done. DEAD.