Retired bone shaman, classical musician, Akita mom.
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US Army Major General Paul E. Vallely - Co-author (with Michael Aquino, founder of the satanist Temple of Set (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_of_Set)) of the manual "From PSYOP to Mindwar"
In 2004, together with McInerney (who is close to Gen. Flynn) Vallely co-authored the book Endgame: The Blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror.
Vallely’s son died on April 20, 2004 while in his fourth week of Special Forces Qualification Course Special Forces training
The course also goes by the name:
👉The Q course👈
Phase IV of this course is called; MOS training

Senior military analyst for Fox news back in the day which it was still Project Mockingbird, and back then they would not have picked a decent military man to be their analyst either. No way on that part also.

Vallely I mean....to be clear, and wtf with the one guy and Aquino? Ugh this stinks to high heaven.
Yeah, understood. I'm tracking with you, 100%.