The vaccinated are going to begin dying off soon. A new strain will be blamed. More lockdowns will follow. Satan's plan is coming along fine.
About time for the fake alien agenda to be rammed down our throats. The "alien invasion" will rock the world, as fallen angels (demons) arriving should.
Trump is NOT your savior. He IS part of the New World Order plan. He's just got to suck in all the Christian Right first with the "saving of the children" and the "arrests of the bad players." And the sheeple WILL fall for it.
All part of the plan.
Soon unvaccinated people will be blocked from shopping, owning, buying, selling. Disabled veterans will have their pay stopped for not being vaccinated. The Mark of the Beast will follow.
God NEVER promised a drained swamp.
He promised a Beast, False Prophet and Antichrist. Donald Trump is paving their way. JFK Jr returning will be the biggest hoax ever played out in modern times and seal the deal for many.
Holy Spirit has lef
Just a patriotic countryman that hates the traitorous Deep State
I've been saying this. Something never sat right with me pertaining to DJT.
All confusion. God is not the author of this part of the story. He told us though, warned us. Matthew 24:9 is approaching rapidly.