somehow i believe this GME/wallstreetbets thing is HIGHLY connected to what weve been waiting for.... These corrupt hedgefunds and banks have been stealing Americas wealth through “naked short selling” and these same people have been financing these corrupt politicians.... I think we are fixing to see “THE GAME STOP” here pretty soon when the enormous transfer of wealth happens from the 1%ers back to the people and we start witnessing the trials of these criminals/terrorists namely CITADEL... What they have been doing is a crime against our nation as well as crimes against himanity.... I think we are fixing to witness ALOT of corrupt broker dealers/hedge funds going bankrupt SOON and stocks like GME, AMC, NAKD, KOSS, and many many others blast to the moon when these naked shorts are forced to buy back these naked shares.. The evidence is overwhelming that these institutions are liqudating long positions accross the board to pay for what they are fixing to llose on GME alone...