Stand for the 🇺🇸 | Kneel at the ✝️ | Trust the plan 🐸

talk is cheap

So is coming on here and being stupid, if you don't like what's being said slink back over to Facebook or the other sites that fit your style of stupidness. :)

free speech deal with it

lol ok dumb ass!

lol i just buried 3 family members while im waiting for the "plan" to be finished so my dumb ass will say whatever I want to say this is still America dumbass so if you dont like what i have to say block my dumbass. you're like a like a liberal on the old twitter "cry cry i don't like what you're saying cry cry" lol.
Typical shill making up stupid stuff to sound like you're important. You go and apologize to the patriot you attacked on here, I'll call it even.

go get fooked - you wanna go check the gravesites? i don't apologize for exercising my Constitutional right to free speech. welcome to the land of the blocked dumbass