Proud American Love my Country! Business owner - Faith Family Freedom Rings
Let this sink in!
*I know I moved my business to Florida this year. I am trying to open the doors for the area. The restrictions are brutal. I hope that it will be a good spring but looming is the efforts of all the C-19.
*Pray that we rid this planet of the mask that cloaks the spirit of our Country. America's Founding Fathers wanted the people to be able to provide for themselves with limited government over reach. We keep the effort to move forward and expose these corruptions... maybe just maybe, we will pull through this without the heavy hand of marxist pushing open the cracked do

Christian, Veteran, Patriot, Mom to 2 Shih Tzu's, and a German Shepherd. I love God, my Country & President. #MAGA #WWG1WGA #SaveOurChild
So true.