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My next few posts will be solely questions I want you to consider. These will be things that may seem obvious but they indeed are not. I will not give you the answers but they can be found, some very easily. Here is my first.
The U.S. military has a branch, Space Force, who track every piece of space junk 24/7. I do not mean just the big pieces I mean tiny, tiny pieces. Each person may get 1-2 pieces they track. They look to see if they are moving out of their orbit or if they are being moved with ill intent. Think about how much space junk there is and how many people that would take. Now here are the questions,
Would the Government, knowing what I have just stated, allow Elon Musk the ability to just pour satellites into orbit at huge numbers just so we could all have better internet? What could be another reason? What purpose could these be for if not just for internet use? Is Elon connected to the elites and Covid? Good luck.