It truly amazes me how so many peole avoid GMO food, eat organic and/or are vegans, use natural organic beauty products, care for the environment, yet when it comes to the Covid vaccine so many embrace it without absolutely no concern about what they are putting into their body. If I offered these people aborted fetal cells, formaldyhde, mercury, flouride, mrna, and all of the other "wholesome" ingredients in these vaccines on plate would they eat it? Even more feed it their child? That's how we need to talk to thse people because, they are clearly blinded by "science".
US LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!
Because there is no grpup virtue to be hained from rejecting the vax... no pisotive attentiin to be gained, only ridicule and contempt.
But yes, any amount of critical thought, would place anyone firmly in the 'nope' category... it seems critical thought has been blocked by propaganda and group think.
The world is under MK Ultra Mind control #breakthespell
Exactly. They can't think for themselves.