🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
This Juan O’ Seven interview happened this past Thursday night and might be useful to those who believe that they’re entitled to knowing what’s happening every step of the plan. His prescient advice; “Take a deep breath and grow up.”
You know what? Juan is coming from a completely different place than the rest of us. Not saying we should whine but pay attention and let go of needing to know. However, Juan is informed of the plan, more than likely, and it's one thing to know the plan and it's another thing to be completely in the dark guessing as we get sick and lose our homes and jobs while this is all playing out. He should check his ego at times and try to see it from others point of view. Having said that, we also have an opportunity to grow in faith and our knowingness through this whole difficult process of losing loved ones with no goodbyes due to the fake pandemic. Very tough indeed not knowing the plan...give us a break Juan. Geez