Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Watch as the whole world begins to realize they’ve been duped...

I work in the medical field (forced to wear a face diaper daily!) and more and more I have patients complaining about the restrictions and how it is all BS (face masks, lock downs and even the vaccines). Slowly the masses are awakening!

Seeing is a gift. Make use of it. @Nancy_IRL on X
Are those people wearing masks and complaining? Or, are they brave enough to show their smiles?

Nope, they are wearing masks....because if they don’t they will not get their tests (CT scans, MRI, ultrasounds, xrays and mammograms) done. Thankfully a lot of us here tell them they are more than welcome to take their masks off during the exam. Most patients are already not feeling well or anxious prior to their exam and are grateful when we offer that. BUT the patients that come in with two masks and rubber gloves on and won’t sit down in the waiting room.....we just let them wear their masks. 😷😷😷
We are living an alternate reality that I do not consent to.