How long have you been red-pilled?

Born and raised in the Eastern Bloc. 🇷🇴Romanian by birth, American by choice.🇺🇸 Always do the right thing. MAGA.
It depends at what level one is considered red-pilled. In 2000 I realized HIV was man made among other things. I could see through a lot of the lies we were fed, yet I believed 9/11 was real. I immigrated to the US less than a year before that and I truly believed America was the land of all oportunities, that here I was well and safe from anything evil. So I couldn’t tell you how long I’ve been awake for because somehow I kept falling back asleep.

Ego should have no place, in the heart of man! Numquam Cedere -Never Surrender ***5 Year Active Duty Veteran- Operation Desert Fox.
I started some research in the mid to late 80's. I was half awake around 92, knowing about Fritz S and Bill Cooper, MK, and the Franklin Coverup. In 01 I new it was the rinnging of the bell for NWO. In '12 there was the whole Drake deception. I know people are frustrated, but it is going as it should. Humans have been asleep 12,000 years. God is winning. 10 years ago, I was telling people at my job to look into the cabal. I was considered "That Conspiracy guy". That is why I need this place, it validates all I have learned. Each person is important for piecing this together.
Madonnas jaket circa 1985 .