If she was born on US soil which she was, that makes her a naturalized citizen. If she was born on foreign soil then one of her parents would have to be a natural citizen for her to be considered a citizen to make her eligible. She passes the citizenship issue since she was born in CA.

A concerned citizen asking Questions until the Truth comes to Light.
Natural born citizen is a specific term that involves one to be born in the US to parents who are already US citizens. If it took 5 years to be naturalized, then her parents weren't there long enough before her birth to have taken the oath.
Citizenship Terms Used in the U.S. Constitution - The 5 Terms Defined & Some Legal Reference to Same | Citizenship | United States Nationality Law
Citizenship Terms Used in the U.S. Constitution - The 5 Terms Defined & Some Legal Reference to Same - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. First Prepared in Fall 2008. Last updated: 31 May 2012. Citizenship terms and types, five, used and mentioned in the U.S. Constitution;..