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A quick self defense tidbit for you to stay safe from someone threatening you.
In this crazy world we live in you want to prepare for anything. If you are approached by someone who you feel is going to attack you follow these steps.
1Quickly make your plan. Most encounters are won by the person who thinks before they act.2 Wait till they are flatfooted and push on their upper body as hard as you can. If this doesn't knock them down it will make them take a few steps backward. Most people tend to want to turn completely around and run. Do not do this.3As soon as you push turn 45 degrees in the direction that has the most running room. Each stride you take increase your angel until they are behind you. This method takes you out of arms reach and provides a better chance of escape.4Run hard and fast.5If you feel they are getting within arms reach come to a complete quick stop and bend your knees, your waist and cover your head. Basically make a ball but stay on your feet and use one
Excellent advice. Thank you VERY much.
Tomorrow, very fervent prayers will be lifted up for you and all those fighting for us. You have my undying gratitude and respect.
Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
Once again thank you!
God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls
No thanks necessary! The safe return for you and ALL of our heroic military is the only reward I seek.