Naturopathic nurse practitioner specialized in stress management and palliative care. Gardener. House renovator. Healer.
What if HCQ was denied as a treatment so a vaxxine could/would be produced?
Why an mRNA (experimental) molecule instead of a live or attenuated virus like all other real vaccines?
Why are people standing in line for an injection that does not actually prevent infection, rather is said to reduces symptoms?
Do people know 99% of all covid positive patient are alive and well?
What might the unintended consequences of mass vaccination with an experimental product be?
This video highlights some ugly possibilities.
The Latest News From Dr Vernon Coleman, Please Share With Friends And Family – Dr. Charlie Ward
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https://drcharlieward.com/dr-vernon-coleman/?utm_content=12436934&utm_medium=Email&utm_name=Id&utm_source=Actionetics&utm_term=EmailOne word answer: MSM