I was listening to Gen Flynn on a recent program, and he talked about all the corruption- specifically of the 2020 Election. He concluded by saying, "The Truth will ALWAYS come out!"
According to my Dad, who used to discuss with us kids about the history of the USA, he said the cover-up of the Truth about JFK's assassination ramped up the evil processes used by Deep State players in our Country to mislead the populous! He remembered everything about what he saw on TV during that time, and told us he NEVER believed ANY explanations that were given!! I think hearing those stories is what caused me to become a serious student of history, politics, and PROPAGANDA! Even though I now know the plot/ players involved in the President's death, NO one will be happier than I, when the WHOLE saga is "common" knowledge.!! Some of the players are now gone into eternity (Hell!), but their records will be set straight, and the conspirators will be forever known as Evil TRAITORS!
Lover of God, my husband & children, parents & siblings! Writer; musician-composer, Family Counselor; Patriot, Thinker who connects dots
Henry Ford should know...
I know the documentary of the same name.
I am thinking how proud one individual's father would be!