Unvaxxed. Unmasked. Untested. Unafraid. God wins! I have been singing about corruption for 40 years. I will never give up!
Here is my take on Doctors and modern medicine. Most of them were systematically broken down with unlivable schedules and serious sleep depravity while in medical school. Then gradually indoctrinated to stay away from most natural remedies. Big Pharma is so big that to go against them in any way means being run out of town, strongarmed, and ostracized. They are taught to apply pills, expensive treatments, and band-aids. They were not taught to cure. That would cost them, customers.

Love Jesus, love my husband, love America, love Trump, love Freedom! Rather old digital warrior, but full of patriotism. NO DMs please!
spot on! There own "Operation Mockingbird"