👀 for truth in all things with the 👀 &👂of the holy spirit. Q is the Father's master plan. Jesus is King. Isaiah 11:4-9
Burn those deceitful, clandestine, demonic, hell portals ALL down. Every one of them! The particular demonic spirit named Lucifer controls and posseses especially those at the upper levels

Love God and Country Family #A1 #A2 Constitutionalist Patriot! Thankful for President Trump's fight for America's FREEDOM! JESUS IS TRUTH!
In my humble opinion, burn them ALL to the ground!
They are huge in squelching knowledge of their practice of pedophilia and satanic ritual abuse and sacrifice of children.
JFK didn’t vow to expose the secret societies for nothing!

Have you heard about Black Sun??? Check floor of Hetty Museum...DJT is member of Black Sun, JFK was a member of Black Sun...
Did you know there was important meeting in Durango ( still going on ) where there were about hundred people ( Trump's aides, his government administration officials, top generals from Pentagon and admiral) they were negotiating agreements and extensions of different contracts with Kim Goguen...
Check why did DJT gave big portion of $500 b that he received from Kim Goguen in November 2020 to help with stimulus for UISa citizens,to help fight election fraud, for defense needs , to Central Bank of Mexico ( Deep state and Black Sun bank ) ...
Did you knew that Trump's aides and generals were telling Kim Goguen that there will be many people ritually sacrificed on Equinox 20th of March 2021 and that Trump is ok with that and that they are ok with that...
I don't think USA citizens and patriots would be ok with that.

All proof about this and much more can be found on
on Rice TVx youtube channel
copies of bank transfers , images of new USA currency printed in Hong Kong and much more, images of USA current currency notes that was printed by demand whenever they wanted, coins, list of Black Sun members
all given during live interviews by Kim Goguen to Rice TVx youtube channel host