Good Morning My Patriot Family!
Fired my Doctor yesterday when he insisted I wear a mask when it was just him and me in the room and he was wearing an M95 Mask.
I refused and told him my bandana didn't stop viruses just made me breath my waste. also covid19 did not exist and as a doctor he should know that no covid19 virus has ever been isolated. He said he "had it" and almost died. I said you had the flu and if you did have C19 then why are you wearing a mask? I asked him for HCQ and he refused. That was it. One nurse threatened to call the cops when I stated very loudly that Doc should go home and research mRNA Vaccines in animal trials before he violates his Hippocratic Oath and does more harm. I told her "go ahead and call them, it's my 1st Amendment right to speak my mind" and she did.... I told the receptionist (who wasn't wearing a mask behind the glass) that I felt sorry for her and left.
Sad when I know more than my Doctor SMH

Good for you. Sorry you dealt with that.