Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Plenty of women get offended when you tell them they should think twice about promoting white rabbits and easter egg hunts together with the ressurection of Jesus Christ.
The depth of the brainwashing is pretty deep.
It's hard to truly wake up.

Truthseeker. Christian Patriot who loves God and country. Budding photographer, writer and creative soul and steadfast prayer warrior.
does everything have to be spoiled and given to the evil one? can family traditions be honored without the dread of everything being turned into a vile act a satanic ritual? Jesus suffered died and was buried and on the 3rd day he rose again for our sins, to save us from the evil within us and around us. Does every cute white bunny have to signify the horrific evils in our society? Can the eggs represent rebirth as celebrated in Christianity? some (not all believe it to be a pagen ritual... key 'some' we dont have to buy into the pagenness do we? ).
Agree!! Just as they turned our rainbow into a gay flag and a butterfly into a pedo symbol. Don't allow them to turn our world inside out,

Truthseeker. Christian Patriot who loves God and country. Budding photographer, writer and creative soul and steadfast prayer warrior.
i've had a childrens book iI want to published filled with rInbiws and havent sent it iff because I dont want it to be turned into anything --- However, now might be a hoid time to relaim the rainbow.

Truthseeker. Christian Patriot who loves God and country. Budding photographer, writer and creative soul and steadfast prayer warrior.
good time