Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Plenty of women get offended when you tell them they should think twice about promoting white rabbits and easter egg hunts together with the ressurection of Jesus Christ.
The depth of the brainwashing is pretty deep.
It's hard to truly wake up.
So someone help me out I have always thought Santa is to Christmas as the Easter bunny is to Easter. I am well aware neither of these are Godly Biblical characters and the true meaning of these holidays (Jesus) is the focus in my household. However I have always thought of Santa and the easter bunny as fun traditions and I am naive that they are evil. Could someone shed light on why the Easter bunny and his eggs are bad?

Remember, everything is energy. What you put into it, your energy, your intention, is what makes it dark or light. Think about making a wish and blowing out birthday candles. It's dark if you "wish" harm on someone, it's "light" if you wish for something positive. Same as bunnies, easter eggs and chocolate. Is the intention to harm or to help?

"We are not retreating - We are advancing in another direction" ~General Douglas MacArthur
Me too girl...my daughter asked me the other day to please not call it 'Easter' but 'Ressurection Day' instead. I stood corrected and thanked her for pointing this out. It's not that we do this intentionally, but even by doing it unintentionally we take away from the true reason for the season. We don't even realize the eggs and bunnies are distracting us because we are so used to it, but our children see it. Be honest, when you were a child were you more excited about Christmas because of the birth of our Lord, or because santa was bringing you presents? Were you more excited about the Ressurection of Christ at Easter, or the fact that the easter bunny was bringing you candy filled eggs? Our children will not be so easily fooled 🙏

Easter was originally the celebration of Ishtar, the Assyrian and Babylonian goddess of fertility and sex. Her symbols (like the egg and bunny) were and still are fertility and sex symbols (for those that actually think eggs and bunnies had anything to do with the resurrection of Jesus)

Thank you for this explanation. I had never heard of this before. I know what I will be researching today.😉

Fed up. Gettin' older. Still got some fight left. Just waiting for the call. For my children...for my grandchildren. Constitutionalist!!!
Spoken like a TRUE, Christian Patriot! Thank you!!!