Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Plenty of women get offended when you tell them they should think twice about promoting white rabbits and easter egg hunts together with the ressurection of Jesus Christ.
The depth of the brainwashing is pretty deep.
It's hard to truly wake up.
Heres the deal. The Pagans had days they observed in accordance with their beliefs. When christianity began its crusade to convert the Pagans to the new religion, the Pagan days of observance were kept and rebranded with Christian themes. Why? Because it was easier to get them to observe "christian" days of observance that way. Not one single person on this earth today truly knows what day Christ was born on. What day he was crucified. What day he was risen from the dead. Nor what day he ascended to Heaven. That is fact! And that is why I refuse to celebrate the "christian" holidays. I celebrate Christ every day! Do as you wish to observe Christ. That is your right. And I respect that. Please respect mine!