When you know, you know & family who fight together, stay together! #TruePatriot #PresidentTrumpIsMyPresident #DivineWisdom #GodWins
Oh look, it's Marty and Anita. How do people not know about this couple? How? If I found all this in 2007-2008, plus the fact that Barry was gay, Mike was Mike and all of Chicago was in on the "Down Low Bath-House" visits he and Rahm Emanuel (real last name Auerbach as in Dr. Auerbach who wrote Obamacare and whose father was MOSSAD Head Explosive Terrorist).
Relationship of Big Mike and Jesse Jackson as he was very close to that family growing up. Both Barry and Mike lost law license. Barry's 3 lovers murdered, family splattered OBAMA KILLED MY SON in the papers have of course, disappeared.
Then, Marty and Anita...oh, that's just the beginning.

President Donald J. Trump Is Our Commander In Chief. U.S. Army Vietnam Era Veteran 6/72 -7/79 Ex Lead Guitarist

Proud of being banned on FB messenger and Instagram and being suspended on Twatter Was it something I said? 😂😂😂
was it Q who said that Raum is also related to Mayor khan of london?

If they stand behind you protect them. If they stand beside you respect them. If [they] stand against you, show no mercy!
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Seeing is a gift. Make use of it. @Nancy_IRL on X
While I believe this to be true.
Has there been a disclosure of DNA evidence?

We heard of this disclosure not long after Obummer left office.... Glad it's making its way into the sunlight!! Liars, thieves and traitors! :(