God 1st. Everything else is just an added bonus.
this is the code word:#Panda#PANDAEYES. they throw it in your faces and you dont see it because you dont know the background story. which is....
their eyes fill up with blood from the force of the penetration up their little rear ends. these sick pos's need to be hung by their genitals!!

This is so hard to digest.
Everyday I dont see the USA Military and Alliances take over the globe literally, is another day for the people to think about this stuff going on.
I'm of the view that the globe will come together when they learn about whats been happening. Some say the military are waiting for more people to wake up. This will wake them up very quickly, and the vast majority can take it.
Suicides are on the rise like never before but they say they are on a slow timeline trying to stem suicides when people do wake up.
Its time to rip the bandaid off in my view, becuase their is growing division between friends and families about Q followers and sleepers.
will definately be a trade off at some point. then it’s just swapping a suicide for a preventable casualty of delay. seems helping those wanting help is most efficient use of time at that point.